Thursday, December 20, 2018
'African American Heritage Paper Essay\r'
'This paper explores the African American heritage and withal identifies the significance of have gots world hea henceishly alert, peeled and adapted when lovingness for hoi polloi of African American heritage. Although these basis menti unrivalledd above be expenditured interchangeably, they prolong varied meanings. Cultural aw argonness is appreciating the orthogonal or material part of the grow, such as the music, arts, and physical characteristics, and dress. Cultural sensitiveness is the soulal attitudes toward the acculturation, such as non saying things that is offensive to several(prenominal)one from a different cultural or heathen background (Purnell,2013, p. 4).\r\nCultural competence is lay it all together; by apply your knowledge to provide culturally congruous apportion and to be able to cream effectively with muckle in cross- cultural situations. African Americans be the second largest ethnocultural assemblys in the United States; howev er, it is one of the most misunderstand cultures. This culture is so unique be condition they stand mixed their cultures from their different homes of origin in Africa, along with American culture. This paper overviews the history, communications, family enjoyments, hands issues, biocultural ecology, high-risk behaviors, pregnancy and childbearing practices, eldritchity, wellness fretfulness practices, nutrition, and death rituals in the African American culture.\r\nIt is important that nurses see themselves as becoming culturally competent when lovingness for African Americans, and this involves incorporating cultural desire, cultural advisedness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, and cultural encounter with the people of African American heritage (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). 2 A nurse mode TO African American inheritance One of the largest nonage collections in the United States, African Americans culture includes the various cultural traditions of different African ethni c groups.\r\nâ€Å"Data from the U. S. Department of Commerce, potency of the Census (2001) reveals that there are slightly 34,333,000 African Americans residing in the United States, representing 12. 1% of the total population†(Campinha-Bacote, 2009). They were forcibly merchandise into the United States as slaves from 1619 to 1860 (Purnell, 2013, p. 21). During slavery, they incorporated their culture from their homes of origin, and as a result, their culture include several cultural traditions of African ethnic groups. Mevery African Americans live in poverty ascribable to discrimination and privation of proper education.\r\nMost families of African American heritage value education, but they unflustered struggle to have equal deputation in the featplace, and are more probable to work in a violent environment, resulting in job related diseases and illness. receivable to the lower-level positions and the difficulty in achieving higher opportunities in the workp lace, some(prenominal) African Americans continue to observe discouraged. Nurses need to address discrimination and as well issues that create ethnic or racial tension in the workplace.\r\n position is the words communicate by African Americans, however, people of lower socio economical locating conk in an informal language cognize as African American English (AAE) (Purnell, 2013, p. 22). agree to Campinha-Bacote (2009), the major problem that AAE speakers mettle is prejudice. Most people believe that AAE is substandard to Standard American English. As a result, African Americans who speak AAE are sometimes misinterpreted as being uneducated. Nurses should be aware non to stereocase African Americans as only speaking AAE, and also not to stereotype them as uneducated establish on the way they communicate. African Americans are expressive when 3.\r\nA nurse rule TO AFRICAN American heritage communication and often use body languages to wreak their feelings. Their expre ssive language and body exercise can be misconstrued as anger or provocation. Nurses need to be well-known(prenominal) with these characteristics and not misinterpret them. As a nurse, when interacting with African Americans for the initiative time, be authentic to address them formally, until given permission to use other names, such as their first name. The African-American family has evolved over the last deuce decades and still continues to evolve.\r\nA person that is brought up in a traditional nuclear family is more likely to continue that tradition. Whereas, a person that is brought up in a single parent home is more likely to continue that same tradition. Although these situations are more likely, they are not eternally so. To provide the most competent bid, the crush thing for the nurse to do would be to ask the patient in a non-judgmental way close family dynamics and also ask them what they would feel the most satisfactory with when it comes to decision making for their aid. The nurse should then accept this decision.\r\nBeing knowledgeable about this cultural group’s family determine and beliefs are crucial for providing circumspection for the African American patient (Revell & McGhee, 2012). A high percentage of African American households are matriarchal and fall infra poverty level. With that being said, it is wise for nurses to name a point of including women when discussing mendth care issues. Nurses also should take note when traffic with homosexual individuals in this ethnic group, not to break confidence by overlap their deportmentstyles with others. This information can jeopardize and cause conflicts at bottom the family and ruin relationships.\r\nRomantic relationships of the same-sex are not totally acceptable within this culture. 4 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE As in many culture, social status is important in African American community. African Americans are often met with veto atmospher e and prejudice attitudes based on their cultural background and skin pretension. Assumptions are made based on AAE spoken by some as an mark of unintelligence and the lack of education. These assumptions sometimes affect calling opportunities and job promotions. Nurses should be cautious not to fall into the stereotyping African Americans based on these characteristics.\r\nAfrican American skin color ranges from light to very dark collect to the combination of a gene pond of more than 100 racial strains (Purnell, 2013, p. 25). When assessing for cyanosis in dark-skinned African Americans, be accepted to pay attention to the oral mucosa or conjunctiva. When assessing for pallor, note the absence of the underlying red tones that give the skin it’s glow. Lastly, when ob dowry for jaundice, be sure to pay heed at the sclera of the eyes, the soles of the feet, and the palms of the hands for any yellow discoloration (25).\r\nwellness care is a luxury that low socioeconomi c African Americans whitethorn not be able to afford. Meeting their daily needfully takes priority over what they believe to be minor wellness issues. Consequently, diseases that could be treatable dexterity end up being a lifetime- threatening situation. African Americans are family orientated, because of this; some tend to initially seek medical examination attention from family members rather than going to a wellness care professional. wellness care professionals need to be aware of this and work toward teaching and distributing health information via perform and community centers. Most African American women are against abortion due to religious, cultural, and clean-living beliefs.\r\nAs a result, there is a delay in making a decision until it becomes too late. 5 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE Family shop at is crucial for large(predicate) African American women. Gichia (2000) studied and install out that African American women touch for role impersonat es such as previous(a) female relatives, or if they have none, they fashion for someone who seemed like a draw to them, such as a neighbor.\r\nThese role models can provide the pregnant charr and new mother with infallible support. According to Abbyad & Robertson (2011), nurses caring for pregnant African American women need to be sensible about the variety of ship canal in which childbirth preparation can occur, as in any other group of pregnant women.\r\nMoreover, nurses need to consider the ways in which their attitudes and behaviors send unwelcoming messages to African American women pursuit prenatal care or childbirth classes. These attitudes can discourage the African American woman in seeking further care. â€Å"Culturally competent care for the childbearing African American woman includes addressing all components of care including the use of complementary and alternative medicine†(Revell, 2012).\r\nThe childbirth nurse that is providing culturally compet ent care should be aware that the perceived norm is different for every family. African Americans are spiritual and are usually affiliated with some religious order. Historically, the church has played a major role in the life of African American culture. The church is a place where they can meet on common grounds. Faith and prayer is one of the most important attributes of Christian African Americans. They believe that divinity fudge has the power to heal them, and he also has the power not to. They believe that whatever happens to them is according to God’s give. Food is very worth(predicate) in the African American culture.\r\nIt symbolizes health and wealth. It is derived from African descent. When feed is offered to someone, it means that the person is valued; and by offering food, they are given you something that is 6 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE valuable to them. When it comes to nutrition, some African American diets are high in cholesterol and fats. According to James (2004), â€Å"African Americans will need information on basic nutrition topics such as serving sizes and reading food labelsâ€Â. Nurses that work in African American communities should be involve in programs that promote ruddy food choices.\r\nThese programs can specifically be true for churches, neighborhood grocery stores, and local restaurants. â€Å"Health disparities among the African-American population include life expectancy, heart disease, hypertension, infant morality and morbidness rates, cancer, sickle cell diseases, HIV/AIDS, violence, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and asthma†(Campinha-Bacote, 2009). Unfortunately, they have the proclivity to see a health care professional only when absolutely necessary. â€Å"\r\nHealth is viewed as harmony with nature, whereas illness is seen as a disruption in this kindly state due to demons†(Purnell,2013, p. 33). Recognize and support your patient cultural behaviors and believes to pr omote healthy interactions. In addition, always provide actual information about health practices that may not be understood due to their cultural believes and cultural differences.\r\nIn conclusion, it is recommended that nurses acquaint themselves with cultural specific information in order to provide cultural competent care in African American community. Nurses should consider the following question: â€Å"In caring for African- American patients, have I asked myself the right questions.\r\n†It is important for nurses to be aware of their biases and prejudices toward African Americans. In addition, they should possess the needed skills to conduct a cultural judgement while possessing knowledge of this cultural group (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). Lastly, nurses should always 7 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE have the desire to become culturally competent not just with African American patients, but any patient that has been placed in their charge. 8 A NURSING ME THOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE Resources Abbyad, C. , & Robertson, T. (2011).\r\nAfrican American Women’s Preparation for childbearing From the locating of African American Health-Care Providers. Journal Of perinatal Education, 20(1), 45-53. doi:10. 1891/1058-1243. 20. 1. 45 Campinha-Bacote, J. (2009). Culture and variation issues. A culturally competent model of care for African Americans. Urologic Nursing, 29(1), 49-54. Gichia, J. E, (2000), Mothers and others: African-American women’s preparation for motherhood. The American Journal of enate Child Nursing, 25(2), 86-91, James, D. (2004).\r\nFactors influencing food choices, dietary intake, and nutrition-related attitudes among African Americans: application of a culturally sensitive model. Ethnicity & Health, 9(4), 349-367. Purnell, L. D. (2009). People of African American Heritage. Guide to culturally competent health care (2nd ed. , p. 21-35). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co. Revell, M. A. , & McGh ee, M. N. (2012). Evolution of the African American Family. internationalistic Journal Of Childbirth Education, 27(4), 44-48. Revell, M. A. (2012). Use of Complementary and Alternative medicate in the African American Culture. International Journal Of Childbirth Education, 27(3), 55-59.\r\n'
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