Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Modern Organizations in Business †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Modern Organizations in Business. Answer: E-commerce Business Models and Concepts According to the researcher, e-commerce mainly defined as the detailed methodology that is mainly used by various modern organizations to obtain all business, customers and vendors requirements. Apart from that, other analysts also analyzed that e-business is one of the process that helps to conduct all types of business operations and all types of information with the help of different online mechanism. Barnes and Hunt (2013) also discussed that e-commerce business models mainly defined as the process with the help of which the business organization helps to make much amount of profits as well as good business turnover in the internet world. In the context of e-commerce, the business organization mainly leverages different characteristics as well as properties of the internet in all types of business operations that helps to expand the market values. Experts also mainly showed different business model which are characterized in different eight significant models that includes compet itive environment, organizational development, market strategy revenue model, market opportunity and value proposition. On the other hand, depending on the characteristics of the organizational value and business operation, the business models are get categorized in seven different models like B2B (Business-to-Business), B2C (Business-to-Consumer), C2B (Consumer-to-Business), C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) and also various different types. Furthermore, Campbell, Wells and Valacich (2013) also mentioned that different organization like flipkart uses numerous business models to control all their business operations. It also discussed the application of one e-commerce model in the business helps the organization to facilitate different opportunities for the business in order to increase all the market values that helps to gain the market values and different advantages. Some researcher analyzed that with the B2B model, the business organization can seek out all types of information to incr ease the organization sales from their frequent customers (Barnes and Hunt 2013). In addition, the market creators in different e-tailer services and social network services can implement the B2C model. Researcher also showed also present that Grainer mainly used the e-distribution model within their business operations by getting the help from different wholesale stores, MRO goods who sells goods to customers. On the other hand, the Business-to Business model mainly enables the process of direct commission fees and transaction fees with the help of e-commerce site that helps to create completion between different suppliers and vendors. Different business experts demonstrated that the e-commerce system maintain the potentiality of changing the industry structure as well as the environment of industry in which it mainly operates. Cheung and Yang (2016) discussed that the B2B model mainly helps to increase bargaining power of customer vice-versa decreases the bargaining power of vendors as well as reduce the threats of entrants of new business. It also discussed that B2B mainly helps to create the barriers to new entries in market and increases the rivalry between other existing customers in market place. The application of internet in business context reduces the exchange of information and transaction cost which mainly allows the business organization to invest more in different business operations as well as processes (Barnes and Hunt 2013). Apart from that different technologist mainly cited that the business organization employs themselves to the application of different strategies that also includes product differentiations, customer intimacy, scope definition as well as market competition with rivals. Building an E-commerce Presence: Web Sites, Mobile Sites, and Apps Researcher discussed that e-commerce is mainly essential for all types of organization which helps to increase the e-commerce presence of all the developed application, websites as well as mobile website to get the maximum number of targeted customer. According to Hoehle, Zhang and Venkatesh (2015), the organizations mainly needs to invest more in both the advertising and marketing of the business with the help of internet medium. Apart from that, the business also generated the significant value from sales, revenues as well as the transaction fees of advertising and subscription based on content patterns, buyers personals that also include blogs and face book, digital utilization and the demographic characteristics of customers. As per researchers, it is also essential for organization to analyze the strengths, weakness, threats that helps to develop the strategy to increase the online presence. Strauss (2016) discussed that application of SWOT analysis, mainly provides the systemat ic approach to identify the underlying challenges and opportunities in order to develop the business application or website. As per the experts, the application and website development of organization includes site design, identification of telecommunication services, defining the capabilities of organizational and human resources. Moreover, it also discussed also about 5 major modules for the implementation of system includes system design, system planning, implementation, development and testing phase. In the planning phase of system, it discussed about the organizational needs that helps to analyze both the objective and requirements of system Yumurtac?, Galipoglu and Kotzab (2015). Apart from that, all other capabilities as well as functionalities of the system are mainly developed depending on business objectives which mainly needs to get achieved throughout the developed system. In the design phase, all the system specifications, logical design and the physical design are main ly implemented in the blue print of the future implementation of the application (Hoehle, Zhang and Venkatesh 2015). Strauss (2016) also showed that the proper application of logical as well as physical design mainly assist to get successful implementation of the system by ensuring all types of different functionalities and objectives of the required website. Apart from that, the organization requires to decide whether to develop or outsource the system in the organization depending on employees expertise. It also includes both the testing and maintenance of application or website that become essential to ensure proper functionalities and operations of the system. Analyzer showed that there are three main factors for website optimization that comprises of the application of various page contents like HTML optimization, site architecture as well as image optimizations. Strauss (2016) pointed out that the technique like page delivery and page generation helps to enhance the threshold, bandwidth efficiency and the performance enhancement of developed website. Different e-commerce technologist illustra ted that application of Web Analytics 10 helps to manage and optimize the contents of organization and website. With the help of developed website, the business organization mainly provides the detailed functionalities including online shopping, processing of credit cards and allows the customers to check all related information concerning the service or product with the help of website. E-commerce Security and Payment Systems In the subject of E-commerce, Saidi (2015) discussed that the application of e-commerce website is mainly linked with different security concerns. The different e-commerce website as well as application mainly operates including different sensitive information and the customer data like names, phone numbers, payment numbers, e-mail address etc that readily increases both the safety issues and security concerns. Moreover, expert also showed that high term security is mainly obtained with the help of e-commerce website and application with the help of the implementation of different new technologies and different industrial standards (Chitura et al. 2015). It also identified that different business organizations mainly need to do the identification and evaluation of differences between applied and used technologies in website. In addition to that, server, the communication pipelines and the client outlined the unique vulnerabilities in different e-commerce websites. It mainly identifie d that all types of business organization needs to do proper identification and evaluation of the differences between used and applied technologies (Roy and Venkateswaran 2014). Now days in most of website and e-commerce application, payment becomes one of the significant issues to build the proper success of business. In addition to that, the security issues become one of the most important threat to transaction process component that is implemented in the website. Apart from that, some of the most important issues that mainly occurred through e-commerce website include worms, backdoors, ransom ware, Trojans, mal advertising etc. Chitura et al. (2015) discussed that hacking, data breaching and cyber sabotage figured the denial of access and lots of data losses in the website. One of the unique examples of data breaches is like Ashley Madison data breaches which occurred in the application and websites. Some of different types of fraud include pharming, spams, sniffing etc which occ ur significant attacks to the e-commerce website. In some cases, security of website and application single cannot offer considerable amount of security to data and information that are shared in website. Saidi (2015) based on the provided example mentioned that security threats mainly occurred due to one of the main reason of security lack age in all types electronic gadgets like smartphones, laptops that are mainly used to to access any particular website and application. The integration of encryption, hashtags and digital signatures helps in improving the security to the information communicated through the website. Apart from that, Roy and Venkateswaran (2014) discussed that it also identified that proper application of different risk management policies in organization to identify threats develops different mitigation solutions that helps to secure website and helps in developing strong firewall that helps to protect from different external attacks (Saidi 2015). The computers a nd mobiles can get secured by the application of different types of cryptographic techniques with the help of secured communication channels like VPNs, SSLs and Wi-Fi etc. E-commerce Marketing and Advertising Concepts De Mooij (2013) discussed that both e-commerce website and application is mainly considered as one of the unique as well as technological innovation which helps the business organization in terms of increasing the customer base and the improvement of market advantages. It also discussed about different business organizations that mainly engages in different types of marketing and advertising techniques that permit to increase the customer base and reach a considerable amount of customers in particular demographic characteristics. Apart from that, the customer behaviors are mainly taken account for advertising based on social, cultural and psychological characteristics of customers to develop the marketing communications. Apart from that, some of identified characteristics directly affect customer behavior in different online store as well as the buyers decision of customers. To enhance the purchasing process and buyers processes, all types of organization mainly incorporates the proc ess of alternative evaluation, requirement awareness, search engine optimization and purchase decision taken by customer for any particular products as well as service that are purchased and sold through e-commerce website. Apart from that, the business organization mainly needs to examine the customer buying pattern as well as identification of products that customer mainly prefer to buy from e-commerce websites. On other other hand, Strauss (2016) discussed that all types of business organization mainly needs to grow the confidence and trust in customer mind by developing a healthy buyer-seller relationship. It also discussed about informing of customers about different new products that mainly offers helps to increase the customer involvement with website. Some other techniques like optimization algorithms, optimization of search engine, Knowledge graph mainly helps to increase the website availability in Google search. To reach large potential customer base, the organization mai nly needs to engage in Video ads, Banner ads and different techniques of narrative advertising to attract more customers using the e-commerce website. Apart from that, it also discussed about three types of significant challenges based on traditional marketing that mainly includes anti-spam ware, ill-managed e-mails and spam e-mails by customers. The pricing strategy mainly used by organization that helps to gain the competitive advantages in market. Now days, the technique of price discrimination used by different organization allow all customers to visit numbers of e-commerce website as well as comparison among the products and services. The customer gets more willing to pay more for quality products sold by different organizations. Furthermore, Rastogi, E. and Khan (2015) also mentioned that providing customers with quality products in the reasonable price as well as providing of information to customers through efficient and reliable source helps to increase the website traffic and revenue. Social, Mobile, and Local Marketing To monitor and manage all functional and operational areas of e-commerce to ensure the impacts of different factors on business like mobile marketing, local marketing and social marketing are mainly regarded as essential factors. Inn (2016) discussed that different fundamental aspects of organization based on objective and scope are taken account to manage and evaluate all different types of feature of e-commerce website and applications. Moreover, the application of social and local marketing mainly helps to incorporate different business objective requirements as well as all types of functional requirements of business inside e-commerce strategies. Apart from that, the marketing concept ideally used in e-commerce includes the communication and engagement between different customers. Gatautis and Medziausiene (2014) discussed that with the help of social marketing, the organization mainly encourages all customers to maintain business as well as get engaged in conversation with the c ustomers and business. The amplification of the customer engagement is gained through the marketing and advertisement. The development of the strong community following the particular brand or product helps in enhancing the brand image and strength. Teng et al. (2014) mentioned that the marketing process of organization mainly comprised of six different steps. In first step, the business organization mainly acquire fan customer base, in second step, the business initiate the customer engagement with the help of advertising and marketing. The development of strong community chased the particular product and brand that helps to enhance the brand strength and image. According to Inn (2016), face book marketing is mainly considered as a most significant and effective marketing technique used by numerous organization to attain huge number of potential customers. Furthermore, the facebook-networking site improves and enlarges the customer density based on region. It also discussed that wi th the help of face book campaign the business organization can establish the brand image with the help of face book page. The brand image can be encouraged through the sharing of images, videos and posts about the products and services sold by the organization. Some of different analytics tools including Google analytics, HootSuite, Webtrends mainly enhances both monitoring and management of face book page to provide customized and customer-oriented products, website layout. The business organization cannot control the area for displaying the advertisement. In addition to that, the organization has no control over the embarrassing, inaccurate contents, comments and post shared by the user about the business or services. Furthermore, the organization should incorporate the location based services and marketing in the development of the business strategies. The basic face book feature including search option, timeline and news feed allows the customer to search for a particular produ ct or brand with ease. The brand image can be encouraged through the sharing of images, videos and posts about the products and services sold by the organization. Online Retail and Services Devlin (2013) mentioned that online retail service is one of the important effective solutions which mainly used to manage different e-commerce business processes within organizations. Apart from that, the retail e-commerce business is expands their business processes according to e-commerce website as well as social media network and the proceedings. On the other hand, it discussed about the inclusion of different developmental and significant aspects like strategic planning and trending goods to attract more number of customers based on their demands of functional choices. Different steps those are mainly helpful to acquire huge range of completive market place according to the goals and objectives. Based on all these aspects, there are seven different segments those are directly impacted to retail industry. Some of these are given below like durable goods, clothing etc. Apart from that, the vital vision in e-commerce retail mainly used to reduce the extra expenditure in the busine ss processes. All the reduction of expenditure mainly helps to reduce the cost usages that are mainly involved within the organizational structure and system architecture of organization. Online retail sector in the contemporary times are the smallest segment of the entire retail industry. This has only 6% of the considered retail industry. In spite of this smallest amount of involvement, the users are using this program for managing their system architecture and organizational processes for increasing their brand value. In addition to this, 75% of the business users are using this measure for accumulating their benefits for arranging funds from their competitive target market (Cheung et al., 2016). Most of the organizations are using Omni-channel e-commerce growth and integration is being used for managing growth of the social e-commerce processes and their functionalities. This is selected as rapidly growing mobile platform which manages effective consumer demands and needs with r espect to their functional needs and evolving technologies within the competitive target market. The online firms are being tested with respect to their viabilities within the considered competitive target market with respect to their functional demands and needs within the market segments (Verma, Sharma and Sheth 2016). Strategic analysis and financial analysis is considered as the main focus in managing significant development of e-commerce website development. 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